Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why do the Elderly don't want to listen to you?

I have realized that most of my clients that are Elderly don't want to take advice from their love ones.  I ask a few of my client of why is that....  The same comment is that they don't want them what them TO TELL what to do?  
I found out the best approach to your love ones that works, is that they didn't even notice that it happen?
I always tell the family member to ask to help out around the house and sit and talk to Him/Her? The question should always start with how can I help you around the house to make life easier for you in your home?   I know that snooping is not good thing but, in this case you will find things that is not healthy or dangerous.   I helped a client one time and found out that her medication was mixed so bad, that was the reason why she was going to the hospital every other month.  Just help out and then find someone to check in once a week.  Know the people that come in and out of the house and take her out to places where other Elderly people hang out.  City events for the Elderly, Elderly bowling or dancing, or even for those who are in a wheelchair find Elderly magazines of your local area.  They post events and transportation.  The best solutions is Senior Center or meals on wheels people for thing for your love one to do during the day.  They end up meeting new friends and have more people to watch out for your love one.  You are going to need the help, take it where ever you can.......
I have solution for people who shouldn't drive any more!
What to do when they don't listen to you on there health?
How to take away the KEYS of the care?
How to deal with your love one who is Elderly and now can't give you the space?
Ask me any situation or problem you got, I have been there and can HELP.......

Advice from a Home Health Aid- Elderly Care and Home Care

Hello Everyone, I started this blog for people who needed advice on taking care of their love ones.  I have been a Home Health Aid since 2002.  I worked with clients that are of  Disabled to Alzheimer's Disease. I knew from a young age that I will be taken care of people for my life's calling.  Everyday I get phone call for advice on how to deal with a situation of there love ones.  Now I decided to use a blog to help many more people who really need a kind of solution to their problems.